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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

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"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


St Oswald's CE Primary is a fully inclusive school and we take great pride in the provision that we offer.


Here at St Oswald's, we support our learners to achieve their best, in many different ways, such as: 

  • Personalised targets
  • Extra equipment and resources
  • Small group interventions
  • 1:1 support
  • Emotional and wellbeing support
  • Working closely with external agencies and professionals


We work together as a team - children and staff - and have a wonderful range of skills and abilities, which we share and celebrate to support special educational needs and disabilities within our school.


Mrs Smedley is our SENDCo (Special Needs Co-ordinator) and is available to discuss any concerns or questions that you may have about your child.


Please refer to the DoWMAT Complaints Procedure if you feel you are receiving lower than expected standards from us 


We have made some useful videos to explain St. Oswald's SEND support.

Click on the links below to find out more ...

How does the curriculum at St Oswald's support learners with SEND?

What are our policies and how do we identify SEND?

The following documents represent St Oswald's offer of provision and SEND information:

Click here to view the DfE guidance on SEN and Disabilities
If you have a complaint regarding how the school has dealt with a specific SEND issue contact Mrs Smedley (Senco) in the first instance.  If the complaint has not been resolved then the formal complaints policy must be followed (click here for complaints policy).  Please see the DfE Complaints page for further information.

Remote Learning SEND Support

**Updated SEND resources to support remote learning - January 2021**

