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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

Inspire Embrace Succeed

"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Good Morning,

I hope youve had a lovely weekend!  I have attached this weeks activities that you might want to try.  We will be learning about the sounds j,v,w this week.  To reinforce this in the classroom we will be conducting Volcano investigations alongside the planned activities.  Hopefully children will see some lovely foamy lava! (vinegar, bicarb of soda and food colouring)

I have sent you all some passwords for individual phonics support via Tapestry so please login to retrieve these, you will then be able to access the selected activities for your child on 'Twinkl Go'

Enjoy your week.

Mrs Littlewood

12.01.21      'V' is for Volcano, Vinegar and it is in lava!

Children have had a wonderful time with their volcano science experiment today.  We found that some volcanos erupted fast and some erupted slowly.  We soon discovered that if we put the vinegar in fast - they erupted faster.  If we dripped the vinegar in slowly - they erupted slowly.   Some children wrote about what happened to their volcanos and some children preferred to label their experiment photograph.  Have you tried this at home?  You will need:

Bicarb of soda & water mixed in a cup

Food colouring

Squeeze of washing up liquid

Then vinegar (added quickly)





13.01.21  Reading 

Please login to Tapestry today to find a lovely decodable book for your child to read, which will reinforce this weeks j,v,x,w sounds.
