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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

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"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Local Academy Board

Do you want to have a say in the future of St Oswald’s?

Have you always wondered why the school does things a certain way?  Do you sometimes think that things would be better if only this was done or that changed?  Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to help St Oswald’s be the best school possible?  If so here is your opportunity.  The Local Academy Board (LAB)  needs your help.  We need governors who are committed to the school and want to make a difference.  Governors are volunteers who bring many different skills to the team. You will not be asked to write massive reports, but you do need an enquiring mind and skills to analyze information and ask questions. Training and support is provided free for governors to help you understand your role and fulfil your duties. There are many roles on the LAB, all of them part-time with flexibility to fit around your work and family commitments.

Currently we have opportunities for all types of Governor, but particularly would welcome enquiries from parents of pupils at the school. Please get in touch with the school office to speak to me about joining us.  You would be very welcome!


What we do

The role of the LAB is to oversee many of the strategic decisions made by the school and offer support and challenge in equal measure. Our governors work closely with the Head Teacher and staff, visiting school on a regular basis during the day or in the evenings.


Our last OFSTED report said:

”The governors are highly effective and have a detailed knowledge and understanding of how well St Oswald’s is doing compared to other schools. They have contributed well to improvements in teaching and achievement."


A number of our governors are available at school on a daily basis should you wish to speak with one of them.


If you would like to join us as a Governor please contact me via the school office email: 


Mrs Gill Withers

Chair of Local Academy Board

Governor Constitution



Nominating Authority

First Appointed

Term Start

Term End

Co-opted Governor    

Mrs Gill Withers



Children Looked After

Pupil Premium


14 Oct 2021

14 Oct 2021

13 Oct 2025






Mrs Carol Reece


01 Apr 2021

01 Apr 2021


Co-opted Governor    




Parent governors





Callie Essex-Brooks


10 Feb 2022

10 Feb 2022

09 Feb 2026

Daisy Richards


20 Sept 2023

20 Sept 2023

19 Sept 2027

Staff governors





Alison Taylor


15 Jul 2021

15 Jul 2021

14 Jul 2025

Foundation Ex-Officio















Foundation governors





Mrs Claire Roberts



14 Oct 2021

14 Oct 2021

14 Oct 2025

Mrs Kate Figgitt

NLG Governance Professional




