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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

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"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Uniform Information

Preloved Uniform Provision

We have a range of preloved uniform options available from the school office. We keep the cost of the uniform low and we feel proud to be able to offer good quality uniform options and a service that promotes sustainability.


Autumn, Winter and Spring Uniform Options

EYFS and KS1 (Years 1-2)

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress

  • White polo shirt

  • St Oswald’s navy blue Crew Neck sweatshirt or navy blue sweat cardigan with embroidered logo (logo optional)

  • Black shoes (flat heeled, not trainers) suitable for school

  • Plain white, grey or black socks or plain grey or black tights

KS2 (Years 3-6)

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dresses must be worn on or below the knee.

  • White shirt. Shirts must be tucked in and top buttons fastened at all times

  • St Oswald’s navy blue V-Neck Sweatshirt or navy blue sweat cardigan with embroidered logo (logo optional)

  • St Oswald’s school tie

  • Black shoes (flat heeled, not trainers) suitable for school. Black trainers or trainer-style shoes with fashion logos or sports soles are not appropriate, and may not be worn as school shoes

  • Plain white, grey or black socks or plain grey or black tights

Leggings or tight lycra skirts are not allowed.


Summer Uniform Options

Uniform as above, or:

  • White school polo shirt (or white cotton shirt top button unbuttoned, with or without tie)

  • Summer dress (blue and white check) worn either below or to the knee.

  • Grey shorts can also be worn

  • Summer caps for outdoor learning or play

Leggings or tight lycra skirts are not allowed.


PE Kit

  • White t-shirt

  • Navy skirt or shorts or skort

  • Plain Navy blue hoodie (no branding) for outdoor games

  • Plain Navy blue joggers (no branding)

  • KS1 Black pumps for indoors and trainers for outdoors. Trainers cannot be worn in the hall

  • Navy blue waterproof jacket for forest school (optional)



  • Children in Nursery and Reception classes are asked to keep a pair of named wellingtons in school for outdoor activities

School Accessories

  • A labelled water bottle. Please ensure that the water bottle is no bigger than 750ml in size as storage space is limited. We have water fountains to refill bottles if needed.

  • A named navy blue pump bag for PE Kit

  • Navy blue school reading book bag (plain or with logo)

  • Elastic bands or scrunchies for longer than shoulder length hair. Hair clips, scrunchies and bows should be small and blue or white

  • All kit including swimming kit should be clearly marked with your child’s name

  • Jewellery should not be worn except for stud earrings or a watch. These must be removed for PE.

Hair, Make up and Jewellery

  • Make up must not be worn to school at all by children, this includes nail varnish or false nails. 

  • Jewellery must not be worn except for stud earrings or a watch. These must be removed for PE.

  • As a Health and Safety measure, hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back from the face at all times. No extreme hair styles or colours are permissible.

  • Please remove earrings for your child before they come to school, on PE days  if they are unable to do this for themselves.

School uniform is now available to purchase from:

The School Shop

30 Worcester Street


DY10 1EQ

Tel: 01562 823763


School Uniform Policy
