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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

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"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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On 1st February 2018, St Oswald's CE Primary School became an Academy and joined the Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DoWMAT).  Academies are independent, state-funded schools, which receive their funding directly from central government, rather than through a local authority.  The day-to-day running of the school is with the head teacher or principal, but they are overseen by individual charitable bodies called academy trusts and may be part of an academy chain. These trusts and chains provide advice, support, expertise and a strategic overview. 


DoWMAT Vision

'To Love, To Learn, To Serve’ sums up the DoWMAT’s vision for those who come together to create the MAT, enabling all to flourish both as individuals and in community with each other; living life in all its fullness (John 10:10).


These core values underpin all aspects of our Trust as we strive to make a positive difference to the lives of all DoWMAT pupils whilst they are at school and in later life. Through these values, we can be sure our community is one of hope; a place of transformation and trust, where all are treated with respect and dignity.


To Love :

The New Testament sums up the entire law as a call to “love your neighbour as yourself” (Galatians 5:14). The Bible teaches that we are only able to love because God first loved us (1 John 4:10). This love is expected to characterise the way in which the DoWMAT operates, makes decisions, builds relationships, and carries out its day-to-day business: each person putting the needs of others before their own, with a commitment to the flourishing of all. The exposition of love in 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us that love is patient, kind, forgiving, generous, humble, trusting, respectful, hopeful, resilient and enduring. Those who learn and work in the DoWMAT, and all who come into contact with it, can expect to experience that love in the way that they are treated. 


Therefore, we:
• treat everyone with love and respect in the same way that we, ourselves, would like to be treated
• recognise that everyone is a child of God and has talents which are to be nurtured
• welcome people who are different from us and treat them with dignity and respect at all times 


To Learn:

The DoWMAT is a Christian learning community that is committed to enabling all to live a life of freedom and transformation as a result of the hope and wisdom that learning brings. Learning is at the heart of the Church of England’s vision for and commitment to education. Growing in wisdom is celebrated in the Bible and all are exhorted to listen, to seek guidance, to acquire knowledge and to learn discretion (Proverbs 1: 1-6), largely through human relationships and interactions. Jesus’ teaching, as summed up in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10), describes human beings who are learning to live a life that is characterised by humility, compassion, mercy, righteousness and peace. The learning that takes place within the DoWMAT is expected to be recognisably rooted in these godly characteristics and focused upon enabling the holistic development of people who are made in the image of God.  


Therefore, we:
• are committed to enabling a lifelong love of learning through growing and celebrating together
• will ensure that our curriculum, resources and professional development enable all to flourish
• prioritise spiritual development and growth for all


To Serve:

Service and servant leadership, was a striking feature of the way in which Jesus lived his life. The example he gave to his disciples in washing their feet (John 13:1-17) provides us with a role model for the way in which we should seek to live in community with others. Putting the needs of others before our own, supporting people in their growth and development as holistic human beings, enabling people’s gifts and talents to come to the fore as a result of our service to them are all defining characteristics of the way in which the DoWMAT operates. In serving others and meeting their needs through generosity of spirit, we manifest God’s grace and love for others (1 Peter 4:8-11). 


Therefore, we:
• consider others at all times rather than always putting ‘me’ first
• ensure that everyone is safe and has their needs understood and met
• live and work in a way that is deeply Christian and which serves the common good




To read more about DoWMAT please click here or follow one of the links below:


Key MAT Information

Registered Office: Pack Barn | Main Road | Kempsey | Worcestershire | WR5 3PA|

Website: Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (

Trust Governance: Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (

