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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

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"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Snow Day 20.11.24



I hope you enjoy your lovely snow day at home. I wanted to share with you some of the learning I had prepared for this week so you could reinforce this at home today. We have been learning about the composition of 4 (the small parts that make 4). We use the sentence "4 is made from...and..., ...and .... make 4". You can explore this at home using all sorts of house hold objects and daily routines. Can children partition 4 grapes on their plate and rehearse the sentence? Can children make 4 using different coloured lego / cars / teddies? How have they made 4? Can they use the sentence to tell you?
We have also been learning about places on our planet, such as mountains, deserts, towns and countrysides and this week we are reading 'Town Mouse, Country Mouse'. We have been talking about the differences between these two contrasting places. You could do this at home by reading stories and identifying the setting. What sort of place is this story about? Can you draw a picture of what they might see outside their window?
If you have access to the internet, children could explore Google Earth? what have they noticed that interests them - perhaps you could explore it further?
You could post your day on Tapestry - Id love to know what you get up to (whatever it is)!
Don't forget to read today, curled up with hot chocolate?

Most of all, enjoy your day!

See you Thursday

Mrs Hipkins

Our Curriculum


Our curriculum is designed to be flexible so that children's unique interests are supported.  In planning our curriculum, we aim to ensure children are well prepared for their transition and progression into year one.  We recognise the use of clear, focused learning intentions as an effective tool in gaining intended learning outcomes. The thematic, objective-led planning is underpinned by the systematic teaching of the skills required for children to learn, creating the firm foundations for Key Stage One and beyond.  Our learning environment is language rich, as practitioners provide supportive and reactive interactions to ensure that learning is instantly captured and enhanced. These ‘in the moment’ interactions provide instant or planned next step activities.

Reading Cafe

Every Monday at 2:50pm until 3:10pm

Parents are warmly invited to come into our lovely classroom to enjoy stories and reading with your child. 


Family Forest School

Every Thursday at 1:30pm until 3:10pm

Parents are invited to book onto a forest school session with the class teacher and join in the fun we have at forest school!  Be prepared to get stuck in with digging, bug hunting, den building and cooking in the mud kitchen.  Parents are asked to bring children to school in the morning ready for forest school - so leave your school uniforms at home.

Unique You!

Every Friday at 1:15pm

Each week one child will be selected to take home our 'golden unique-you box' and bring it back on Friday ready for small class celebration of being unique.  We would like children to carefully consider items that they would like to share with the class to reflect their unique characteristics, likes, dislikes, interests and skills.    These could be photographs, certificates or items that are meaningful to the children.  Children are encouraged to share what they have brought in and to talk about what make them 'them!'.  The class are always very keen to ask questions and have their turn!



Outside gates open at 8:35am

Classroom doors open at 8:40am

Register 08:45am

Doors close at 08:45am


Children arriving after 08:45am should enter via the main school office.


Nursery Classroom

Children should enter via the nursery doors at 8:45am.

For half days in Nursery, our morning sessions finish at 11:45am and afternoon sessions open at 12:15pm.  Children being collected and dropped off at these times should do so at the main office.




Reading Workshop 18.11.24

Thankyou to all the parents that came to our Reading Workshop today, it was a great turnout! 

I hope you enjoy playing your phonics games at home.

For those parents who could not make it I have uploaded our powerpoint with details on our phonics programme.





Reception and Nursery Open Day


We will be opening our doors for visitors to come and have a look round our Nursery and Reception classrooms and chat with our lovely Early Years team.

You will be able to explore our well equipped indoor and outdoor environments, ask questions and gather all the information you need to book a place in either our current Reception class or Nursery class.  

Children can start attending our Nursery from 2 years and 9 months old.


Contact the school office to book your visit.
