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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

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"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Autumn 2024

'I wonder who we all are?' & 'I wonder what happened once upon a time?'


During the autumn term we have learnt all about ourselves and our class. The children have explored the similarities and differences between each other by comparing preferences, homes, physical features and through emotions.  They have learnt to sort and group by identifying things that are the same and different in a range of contexts. Maths activities have involved looking carefully at shape, colour, size, number and position.  We have also watched and commented on the changes in our natural world during Autumn.  

In literacy, we have explored our senses, friendships and emotions. 

In phonics, children have started phase 2 of the Little Wandle phonics scheme.  This has involved developing the skills of blending to read and segmenting to spell short worda. Children have been introduced to all the alphabet sounds as well some common digraphs (two letters that make one sound).  In numbers and numerical patterns, children have been introduced to the Numberblocks 0-5, which they have been subitising and decomposing to find the smaller numbers within.  We have sorted, grouped items by size and shape and explored patterns in our environment.  Children have also made a great start in creating their own repeating patterns. 

Children have been taught the correct letter formation for each grapheme, using an anticlockwise direction and the appropriate writing direction on the page. We have also been securing our fine motor skills using the tools that are freely accessible in the environment, such as scissors, tweezers, jugs and spoons.  Children have been practising how to hold them effectively in their preferred hand and have been developing control through a range of creative and physical tasks.
