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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

Inspire Embrace Succeed

"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Autumn Term Open Day!

November 16th between 9-11:30am

We will be opening our doors to families looking for nursery placements.  Appointments are required so if you would like to arrange a viewing of our excellent facilities and meet our dedicated team, call our office to book your visit.  

Hello and welcome to our nursery at St Oswald's


Children are being very busy this Autumn.  They have returned from their October half term excited and keen to explore and play.


This Autumn half term, we are going to build new learning around nursery rhymes in our theme 'How I wonder what you are?".  There will be lots of practical and hands-on experiances to explore colour, discover the changes in Autumn, learn about members of our community and join in with national and cultural celebrations throughout November and December.


We hope your children come home and tell you all about it


You can learn more about our nursery provision and information on our hours, funding and wrap around care using this link here >>
