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St Oswald's CEPrimary School

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"...I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

John 10v10

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Summer 2023

'I wonder what it is like here?' & 'I wonder what is in the garden?'


In summer, children will be exploring all our subjects based around our classroom themes of 'I wonder what the weather is like here?' and 'I wonder what is in the garden?'.  During these themes, children will investigate weather and consolidate what they have experienced in our changing seasons.  We will write to friends in Australia and receive a postcard.  I wonder what they will be doing in June and July?  Do they enjoy the same activities as we do in these months?


In maths, we will be consolidating all the comparative vocabulary we have learnt so far.  We will measure and compare things and choose how to report it.  Are they longer, taller, shorter, heavier or wider?  What is the difference in all these comparisons?  Children will use their secure understanding of the number system to solve number stories and learn how to help themselves when the problem is tricky.


Later in the term, we will take a trip into our school garden to see what interests us.  Children might enjoy collecting minibeasts or  talking about plants.  They might notice the vegetables and herbs?  Children will use their interests in the garden to learn all about growing and changing, living a healthy life style and becoming independent.


During Summer, our Forest School will remain on Thursday afternoons and our PE days will change to a Tuesday. 
